Thursday, May 7, 2009

31 weeks

I am 31 weeks and one day today. YAY almost done with being a chunk! i went to the doc today and my weight is 134 lb. 19lbs, buh, no wonder i'm so tired all the time. i bought a cute bathing suit and recieved it in the mail today. its cute on but i had jimmie take a pic and i didn't like it so maybe when i get a little tan going i'll take another pic and it'll turn out better.

i'm only working 20 hrs a week now and am so lazy when i'm not working, i do keep up with house and dinner and laundry but its just me n jimmie and david every other week so its really not too much work at home. i went to go visit my brother the other week and we went walking around collin creek mall and got delicious DOTS ice cream of course..... but every store we went into some lady would ask me "what i was having" or "how far along i was" and touch my bellie, i don't know these people!! are they crazy!
The salon threw my first baby shower, the cake was delicious... i mean just look at it. fabulous!
its been a week and one of my balloons is still floating, go balloon go!
As u can see in the pictures my belly has gotten huge, she is going to be a giant. oooh i bought a toy box at the thrift store today for 10 bucks, i was like, "holla!" when i found it. ha ha.
I have my doc appointments every 2 weeks now. its such a hastle why i have to see him that much i dunno. If something was wrong i would call. But whatever. i'm going to register at the allen hospital sometime this weekend and get that over with.
I keep finding things that i registered for at discount prices and so i buy them right and now i have nothing on my walmart and target registries, lol. oh well, i just really want them now, ha ha

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

26 weeks

Here is that dress that is OH So Comfy!

YAY almost 27 weeks, i was reading in my books of preggo-ness that i should be emptying my bladder every 2 hours, oh how i wish i did.

TRUE STORY( I'm in the kitchen making steak burgers for me and jimmie and creating a delicious lookin burger set up, i got the letuce, mustard, tomatoe, all of it. and all of a sudden out of no where i'm crawling to the bathroom with my legs twisted trying not to pee on myself, jimmie looks over while i pass through the door way and asked if i'm ok? i finally plop on the toilet to release the remainder of the pee that hadn't shot out, laughing the whole time i'm on the toilet. i finish, change panties and tell jimmie my experience that just happened, he busts in to laughter and tells me he doesn't think i'm going to make it through the last trimester without peein on myself everyday!..... well...... thats just obvious now isn't it... BUH MEN!!! then just like to point it out to you don't they) :(

Here is the latest of jimmie and me

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

25 weeks

I have started playing this game online with jimmie called WOW-world of war-craft. its very strange and its fun for a little but then get hard for me to direct and move around, this is my 2nd day so i'll keep playing and see how far in i go, perhaps it'll become more fun. we changed the name back to olivia, it is staying at olivia marie. i went to allen hosp to see my friend Lori and her baby was so adorable, i keep having this vision that when i hold a baby in a blanket its going to slip and i'm going to hold on to the blanket and the baby is going to roll out onto the floor. its a horrible day dream and i would hate to have that happen not only to my baby but to someone elses, so i only held the baby for a min then gave her back. They are so breakable looking, all wobbly.
Olivia is kickin all the time now and its not just for a couple min, its forever, she won't stop! ha ha, but its good.
i found a bathin suit at motherhood i think i'm going to get for the few more months i have being preggo. they're so expensive for just the few months of preggo-ness i have left.
mom and i went to the thrift store the other day and i bought a preggo dress, its blue and oh so comfortable. i'll put a pic i took up tomorrow... jimmie is calling for bed time so i'll blog later

Thursday, March 5, 2009

21 Weeks

Now 21 weeks, i've changed my colors to Pink, dark brown and butterflys as its beddin. i love that i'm having a girl, jimmie and i have been feeling the baby kick for a couple weeks now and i'm loving that too, although when i eat she'll start to kick and distract me from my food, REBEL, that what she is. i think i have changed the name to Vivienne, which is my late grandmothers name, i have always thought it a beautiful name and i'll call her little Viv. he he! well mom and i have been typing up peoples address for the baby shower and looked for some invites but haven't found any i liked or that were'nt too expensive. maybe i can find some on the internet, cheep.! i am startin to love my bellie now, before it just looked like i was gaining some weight in the mid section but now you can really tell i'm prego, :) I think jimmie is really excited its a girl, just by the way he's been acting lately. i dunno maybe he's not and its all a front. i'm loving these few days we're having 80 degrees, with a bit of wind, love it...ha ha i just read that over i sound like a crazy weather man!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

20 weeks

YAY its a GIRL! and what a surprise for me, jimmie said he knew but i don't think baby being a girl has set in, i'm excited don't get me wrong but definently scared more now!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


i got a massage today, and it was wonderful, it was by a professional for pregnancy and she did awesome but then thirty min after the massage i got a sharp pain in my back below my ribs, so sharp i almost fell over, i had to lay down in the back at work and it didn't get any better so i excused myself home, i got about 2 miles and couldn't make it any further so i pulled into the albertsons parking lot and had to lay down in my car until my husband came to pick me up and take me home. NEVER AGAIN!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

19 weeks

first of all i would like to say, BUH! no one told me being pregnant would be uncomfortable. in fact most people told me i would love it! well it stinks i'm gettin fat, and my feet hurt and my back hurts... bwa uhhh! i want my baby now!, still haven't found out the sex 9 more days and countin!! The other day i went out with a friend late at night and i really should have cancelled cause i was soooo tired i could have just put my face on the bar table and slept the night away. we went out to play darts and the bar guy asked what i wanted to drink, well as you know i am preggo so i informed the guy i was preggo and to mix a bunch of juices together and hit me big time! it was yummie but yeah got no real buz from it :( ha ha oh well. next sat i'm going out with husband and friends to a pool hall and maybe their juices there will be better, lol.

I've been looking for a part time job as a receptionist cause i am not doing so well on my feet, i think i stand wrong which just kills my back and feet. so anyway looking for a receptionist job and i would like to make it permanent, cause even after the baby i would like to have a steady income coming in. i never know what i will be making every week now and i hate that, at least with a part time job i can get money and still do hair on the side as a part time maybe weekend job, i just don't want to have to over work myself and begin to hate doing hair.